The Office of the Probate Court Administrator maintains a list of psychologists who perform these examinations. We hope you will consider applying to be a member of the panel.
To be added to the Probate Court psychologists' panel and be paid from the Probate Court Administration Fund, you must submit the following documents to the Office of the Probate Court Administrator, 186 Newington Road, West Hartford, CT 06110. The documents may be scanned and emailed to or mailed to the above address marked ATTN: Melissa Gordon.
Application for admission to the panel of psychologists in Probate Court matters (see below)
Curriculum vitae
Copy of your Connecticut psychologist's license
State of Connecticut Agency Vendor Form (SP-26NB), which is part of the application, click here for form
W-9 form (see below). The tax identification number, business name and address must match on all forms for you to be set up in the accounts payable system.
The fee schedule for court-appointed psychologists is located below.
Payment Information: A court-appointed psychologist is required to file a PC-51 with the Probate Court if the respondent or other parties specified by statute are indigent, and payment for services is to be made from the Probate Court Administration Fund. A blank PC-51 invoice is provided below. Be sure to assign a unique invoice number on each invoice and remember that all PC-51 invoices must be submitted to the Probate Court within six (6) months from the date services are rendered.
NOTE: The Accounts Payable Division within the Office of the State Comptroller’s office offers Direct Deposit (ACH) for payment of invoices to vendors. Vendors participating in direct deposit are also enrolled in Vendor Self-Serve (VSS), which allows vendors to check on accounts payable. As explained on the comptroller’s website, electronic banking enables funds to be automatically transferred to your financial institution the evening you see them marked as PAID in VSS. This allows you to utilize those funds on the very next business day after the payment is processed through the comptroller’s office.
If you are interested in participating, please go to Open the “Vendor Resources” tab and find the link to the Vendor Direct Deposit (ACH) Election Form for Individuals. Send the completed form and a copy of a completed IRS W-9 form to the comptroller’s office at the address on the instructions page for the election form.
Please contact Probate Court Administration if you have any questions.